Custom Apparel & More

Earth Day: Celebrating Our Planet

Madan KumarApr 15, '24

Earth Day, observed on April 22nd, serves as a reminder of the crucial need of environmental conservation and sustainability. Since it's beginning, Earth Day has grown into a powerful global movement that brings together individuals, communities, and organizations to safeguard our planet's natural resources and promote a healthier future. This...

Summer Holidays: Your Guide to Fun, Sun, and Adventure!!

Madan KumarApr 10, '24

As the academic year comes to an end, children around the world prepare for one eagerly awaited event: summer holidays. For them, this precious time means more than just having a break from textbooks and classrooms; it stands for freedom, adventure, and endless possibilities. From the time the final bell...

Ugadi: Welcoming Prosperity and Renewal

Madan KumarApr 1, '24

As the seasons change and nature begins its cycle of renewal, communities throughout South India gather to celebrate Ugadi, a festival that marks the start of a new year according to the Hindu lunar calendar. Also known as Yugadi, this is an important festival held in Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh, Telangana,...

World Tuberculosis Day- From Awareness To Action

Madan KumarMar 25, '24

World Tuberculosis Day ( TB Day) is held yearly on March 24th. It is a day set aside to raise awareness of tuberculosis, a bacterial ailment that mostly affects the lungs but can also affect other parts of the body. The day's goal is to talk about the causes, symptoms,...